
Author's Guidelines

The authors are instructed to follow the Taylor and Francis template for typesetting and content formatting. The templates can be found here:

  1. Maximum Pages Allowed: 6 (Six)
  2. Maximum Plagiarism Allowed: 10%
  3. Formatting Requirements: Ensure your paper follows the formatting guidelines as provided above. The Taylor and Francis conference template provided by us typically includes font size, margins, line spacing, and citation style.
  4. Title and Abstract: Craft a clear and descriptive title for your paper. Write an informative abstract that summarizes the main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of your research.
  5. Keywords: Include a list of keywords that accurately represent the content of your paper. These keywords help index your paper for search engines and databases.
  6. Introduction: Provide a comprehensive introduction that outlines the background, significance, and objectives of your research. Clearly state the research questions or hypotheses.
  7. Methods: Describe the methodology and techniques used in your study in sufficient detail to allow replication. Include information on data collection, analysis, and any experimental procedures.
  8. Results: Present your findings clearly and concisely. Use tables, figures, and graphs where appropriate to enhance understanding.
  9. Discussion: Interpret your results and discuss their implications. Compare your findings with existing literature and explain any limitations or future directions for research.
  10. Conclusion: Summarize the main findings of your study and restate the importance of your research in the broader context.
  11. References: Cite all sources used in your paper accurately. Follow the citation style specified by the journal or conference guidelines.
  12. Ethical Considerations: Ensure your research complies with ethical standards, including obtaining necessary permissions for data collection and respecting participant confidentiality.
  13. Proofreading: Proofread your paper carefully for grammar, spelling, and formatting errors. Consider seeking feedback from colleagues or mentors before submission.

General Instructions

  1. Violations of any of the paper formatting guidelines may result in rejection of your paper.
  2. Authors should submit their original unpublished work to ICNC-2024
  3. Simultaneous submissions (papers already submitted to other conferences/journals) are not allowed.
  4. Papers must be written in English and prepared as per format given.
  5. Papers must be formatted according to the standard define above.
  6. All figures, tables, references, etc., are included in the page limit.
  7. Extra page charge of ₹ 2000/- INR per page (Indian author) and $ 50 per page (International author) will be chargeable to the authors during the registration process.
  8. All submitted papers will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee and assessed on the basis of originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of expression.
  9. The decision regarding the acceptance of the paper is at the discretion of the Technical Program Committee.
  10. The review committee may recommend rejection of final papers that do not take account of reviewers' requirements and expectations in an acceptable manner.
  11. The conference chair reserves the right to remove papers from the conference proceedings that do not meet the requirements.
  12. All papers must be submitted online through Microsoft CMT.

Copyright Process Document

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