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Selected & Extended Papers of the Conference will be published in Scopus & Web of Science Indexed Journals

International Conference on NextGen Computing (ICNC - 2024)

Technically Sponsored by ACM Meerut Professional Chapter

The International Conference on NextGen Computing (ICNC - 2024) is scheduled at Galgotias University,Greater Noida, India. This prestigious event is being organized with the technical sponsorship of the ACM Meerut Professional Chapter. International Conference on NextGen Computing (ICNC-2024), hosted by the Galgotias University and co-hosted by Meerut ACM Professional Chapter under the joint collaboration. The University is based in Greater Noida (NCR New Delhi, India), has an enrolment of over 35000 students across more than 100 Undergraduate and Post Graduate program, is devoted to excellence in teaching, research and innovation, and to develop leaders who'll make a difference to the world. ICNC 2024 is a nonprofit conference and it bring together leading researchers, practitioners, and industry experts from around the world to explore the frontiers of next-generation computing. The conference will provide a platform for the dissemination of cutting-edge research findings, fostering collaboration and discussion on critical issues in the field.
Papers submitted to ICNC-2024 will undergo a strict double-blind review process. All papers that are accepted and presented in ICNC-2024 will be published in the ICNC-2024 Conference Proceeding. The proceeding will be submitted to a scopus indexed publisher for possible inclusion to indexing in Scopus.
Objectives Icon


The major objectives of the conference are as follows:

  • To provide a prestigious international forum for specialist presentations and interactions in one or more areas of Engineering and Technology within its tracks through papers, exhibitions, plenary talk, tutorials, etc;
  • To contribute to the development, progress, and welfare of societies (S/Y/W) by disseminating technological knowledge and experience;
  • To encourage the study and discussion of technology and technological applications in a broad social, political, and human context;
  • To polish and boost the interpersonal and skills of volunteers with the guidance of leaders and renowned personalities in the respective field of Engineering & Technology